
God gave us a thing on which we can count,

A gift that was given that would only surmount;

It was a heart and a will to do what we could,

And it was freedom designed for anything that's good.


Freedom is not a word we want to take lightly,

But a vision and guide we should use just rightly;

You see anything you want still has a price,

But to do it with freedom is doubly nice.


Freedom as is the way of the earth turning right round,

While remaining to keep your head above the ground;

Freedom a means to which we all should implore,

And freedom is the answer to what we endure.


Freedom is a liberty of what really goes on,

And freedom is the knowledge that the sun still has shone,

Freedom is perfection in a world full of toil,

And freedom is something you wouldn't want to spoil.


Freedom is like a place where all things are right,

And freedom is the face of God in the light;

Freedom is the turning from hope and despair,

To the victory waiting in a life that is fair.


Freedom is the good in what all people could,

Distinguish what's right and really well should;

Freedom determines our life and our death,

That one day in paradise we will relive every breath.



Life's worth living.