
Well we all pay our taxes to get all of the work done,

And the tax pays us for the work so we have something to do;

So when we pay our tax we expect the work done for us all,

Because that tax that we pay is used to pay the taxing of the work.


Now if you don’t want to pay tax you must be sick and it is free,

For disease is not easy and is hard work so you must be taxed like me;

So I love to pay tax because tax pays me for all of my work done,

And you get my work for free because I don’t really want to pay tax.


It is a taxing exercise to pay tax when you don’t want to be taxed for free,

And paying taxes is taxing and that tax helps to pay for being me;

Now if I can get away without paying tax that is quite taxing for me,

And I think that we all should pay tax and I should get it for free.


Now if you can pay tax and you want to work for free, you can pay tax,

Because tax that is worked for is tax that is free for work like mine;

And my work is free if it is not taxed and that tax is written in the line,

As my free tax is for me to get the work done and learn to refine.


Well as I refined the tax that has been paying me, I pay tax with tax,

And the tax that I pay just covers all the cost of the tax for the tacks;

As there is not a lot of cents in paying a lot of tax if you don’t tax much,

But the money comes in the sense that I must want to work to pay tax as such.


Now life is not fair when all we really have to pay tax for,

Is the certainty of death and the taxes that go along with that law,

For as much as we like to pay tax we don’t want to die for the more,

But with all of the tax that we all pay we all seem to become quite poor.




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