
I don’t know why there is so much problem and pain in denying,

When there is an abundance for all and a real love in trying;

And the beauty of God is the plenty of everything on earth for all,

But in denying one’s self, one can bless others and stand and wait on call.


For the goodness and the greatness of the earth is it's full mass and size,

Where the only thing needed is denying the money for the life of the side;

For there’s riches in the right and the right way of doing anything at all,

For the brilliance of the light is in the sunshine at night on the world ball.


Now I love the abundance and plenty of everything but this requires denying,

For time has a reason and a season with the things in the shops for buying;

And the people are plenty to but the individual must learn to shine through,

For personality comes by making character and doing without by denying you.


Well I deny me and I deny you and the world goes around in a terrible stew,

And for certain it's hurting and trying to beat itself all the time for a few;

Where time is upon us and the right and particular way is all true,

So understand where you come from and the king will heavenly due.


So denying is a way of having it all, by saying no to everything small,

And the greatness of God who sits on the thrown gives an new call;

To come to him and worship and deny yourself for someone else’s own,

For the gift of too much is a sacrifice but you're life is yours to the bone.


Now save what you can and have a purpose and plan to achieve,

But don’t be a glutton but deny all the things you don’t need and believe;

For the answer to everything is in the plenty of nothing you're denying,

With a good heart, soul and mind and in the spirit of the word trying.




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