
What is this thing we can't see called faith,

Can you understand or believe what they saith;

It believes what is unseen and still right out of sight,

Shedding light and hope on things both day and night.


Faith that is through grace will let us live long,

In the mind of our brain or bird or a song;

The challenge is to have faith for what is unknown,

Without question or answer or moan or groan.


Faith what beauty and love, what a joy to behold,

It far surpasses the treasure of silver or gold;

It goes past all life to a place called eternity,

Like seeing from space the earth turn to each city.


Have faith in God while the tall grass grows green,

So he will see what you need and return by his mean;

We can't see or understand how it repetitively works,

Though through faith or prayer he delivers his words.


With faith there's a purpose and sense to accomplish,

Some kind of reason in which to heavenly admonish;

Now don't count for certain on anything for sure,

But just let him fill your life all the eternally more.


It's a gift of sight to the blind and money to the poor,

The miracle happening in the minds we all implore;

Of faith, hope and love, really the greatest is love,

But in faith from the heart comes the glory of above.



It will be right.