Dare To Believe

Many will doubt and go without,
But those who believe will richly receive;
For much is a happy and contrite heart,
Where man shall win and know he's smart.

For never before could you face the truth,
As much as you do now with all living proof;
I love to accept and to diligently cope,
With faith to impart and in faith to hope.

As time would hold back the mountains and tide,
Like believing is finding love in a new bride;
Someone to take as one you can know,
One who'll be there when you have to let go.

You see believing is faith taken on trust,
Like a storm in your mind you have to adjust;
It's wonderful to feel that anguish and fear,
Will dissolve in your heart and in time dissapear.

But look to your God without worry, but passion,
For God is not fancy or even in fashion;
But He's there in the stars, where time has no end,
Your life and your master, holy servant and friend.


Thankyou God