I Die to Dye for all the Ore on Earth

I die to dye for all the ore or all the earth,

It has got to find it and refine it wherever it is;

You have got to find it and refine it wherever it is,

And that is well and hell to tell and pay for all the biz.


Now when the ore is mine and it's mine to die as well,

I’ll suffer for it all and the dye will suffer all in hell;

So if you want my dye suffer for all hell to not die,

As you don’t want to die in hell but I want to tell the dye.


Now the colour of the dye was hell to tell as well,

So I tried to die the ore and the dye was metal hell;

And if you want to dye the metal ore you're all going to hell,

For the sky and mine are heaven and mentally a head bell.


Now if you want to die for all the earth, there’s either or,

For all the it's of or, are ore, oar or awe, the four;

So the metal bell was ore and the die was saw as hell,

And the bell that was in hell was the dye that all was well.


Now if you have got a thread on I suppose you want it well,

So all the threats of heaven were hell and beaten by the bell;

The one who beat the bell was then ringing it like hell,

And that’s the thread of the hole and the dye the drill as well. Save


Now if I die to dye for all the ore or earth,

It really means you suffer like hell for all it's worth;

So don’t really die by suffering but work to return to your birth,

For when you're born to die, you have to live and hall the firth.





First Awe