A Bad Idea

A bad idea is really simply not worth anything,

When time and money are wrong and costs everything;

A bad idea is beautiful in the eyes of somebody else,

But a bad idea can't be brilliant because it's best on the shelf.


An example of a bad idea is the worm in the rotten apple at school,

Like a tomato fight wastes food and is simply breaking the rules;

Is it a bad idea to have fun? Or it is bad to have a funny idea,

Because money passes you by and time is wiping up the rear.


It is a bad idea to sin and have sex anytime you like?

With anyone that will do it at nearly any time in your life?

Is it a bad idea to worry about what's going to happen next?

Or sit down and read your Bible and see whether there's a bad text.


With sitting around all day passing time idly wastes other ideas,

It may make you happy doing nothing, but again a bad idea;

So does a bad idea have merit to being always something else,

Or is the best thing you can be in life, not a bad idea to be yourself?


It's a bad idea to sponge on others and not look after yourself,

Always taking what you can get and not giving to someone else;

Is it a bad idea to do business always for being someone else?

When you have to own your own business, is it bad for yourself?


A bad idea is always negative and best left to somebody else,

But if you read a bad idea for yourself get rid of it to someone else;

So a bad idea is really about not being yourself but somebody else,

But that is really not a bad idea but best kept to yourselves.



Does It Make Money.
