The Prophet of Parsifal

I said I will follow you no matter where you go,

In the computer or on the net and website hard to know;

I bumped into a spider who jumped onto upon my hand,

So the huntsman was the hunter and died a hunted man,

Now you really must of decided whether the spider was poisonous or not,

For the prophet and the profit was a decision that I forgot;

For unless you want time and money the management was word,

And the stains were up the window and the cup in the world.

Now the chicken is in the oven and children gone to school,

And I should have had bacon and eggs for breakfast as a meal;

But the Queen was having dinner and God knows what she ate,

For I was a single man in heaven and the women a hell to date.

For if the cathedral was the pillow I should sleep well at night,

But the drink and tea and coffee was spiked to be a knight;

And Parsifal was the profit who really couldn't win or lose,

Because everyone had to figure whether he's real or a myth to choose.

So the weather for men and women was marriage or divorce,

And you had to die for the holy grail or live denying in remorse;

So the balance of the money was like the lost sheep who strayed home,

And God was worth the earth and you had to come around in Rome.

So the single simple complex of simplicity in the mind of man,

Was a significant complexity with over two thousand books at hand;

For the psychological approach was a psychiatric theatre joke,

As the oliver got burnt and the chemist and bottle shop got profit spoke.


Going and Losing