
Indulgence is the opposite of denial,
That lets us have all we want;
With freedom or without care,
For the rich that twitch a grinning ear.

Is it good for us to have all we want?
Anytime we like at whatever price to pay;
Indulging in the things that make our hearts glad,
As if we were not meant to be bad or mad.

Whatever you want has a cost to pay,
But with indulgence you might not know when to stop;
For having everything you want all the time,
Is not as precious as denial and the pain.

Suffering is a gift from God,
To let us know that He holds the key,
To all the wisdom and beauty of his heavenly majesty,
Where indulgence punishment is hell for anything.

Then the magnificence if the rationing of pacing yourself,
With the right of patient perseverance;
And the glorious indulgence delight,
Of the self sacrificial love of brilliant light.

The goodness of indulgence is the blessing to be full,
When all your desires are answered in kingdoms time,
When the judgement between the rich and poor,
Are met in all the time of fairness prayer and care.


An even yoke.