
There is a fine line between pleasure and pain,
And finesse is the way to it, for treasure and gain;
It is a matter of finesse, that adds to the quality of our life,
That we may indulge in the betterments and enjoy the right wife.

She is the one who leads the field for the man to write,
Refined poetry on and of creation for the worlds arts delights;
Finesse is the polish and cream de la cream that is God's good gift,
Of high culture and refinement with a delicate touch and twist.

Finesse is finding favour in the better things of life to emplore,
And explain antique history over the pot of tea to endure;
That life is a piece of cake and biscuit to nibble so sweet,
So that all we have to do to win, is take the weight off our feet.

Finesse is the beauty of the finer things of life to enjoy,
That the delicacy's of taste are subtle flavours to employ;
As you quaintly touch the tea cup with your pinkie sticking out,
And sip, holding the intricate saucer and a piece of cake without doubt.

Finesse is the grandness and elegance of all we seek to have
The richness and the royalty of everything she quietly gave;

As we seek to entertain the beauty of this careful pleasure,
And eat to live the better life for all the things we treasure.

Finally finesse is the superiority of all the hard work of time,
That the reward is in the eating and suitability of clothes to sign;
To lead a better way of the social status of the world,
That the societal hierarchy is always well valued and above worth.


Served in style