The Head Knows Best

The heart knows best said the tail to the head,
If you have a good mind to use, you really stress less;
I wake up each morning and get out of bed,
So the head knows best if you get what I meant.

I have to think first so I know what I am doing,
To get the right idea and keep my life going;
The head knows best was a fair cantered guess,
That the answer you seek, you worked out with your head.

The head knows best and the heart was quite smart,
To think it could lead while the linking a test;
The trick to the thing was the joint in the neck,
As that is put out now with everything High-tech.

The head said to the heart, why? why do you ask?
If you're so smart, why do I know best?
You know best because your being smart,
That was the answer from the head to the heart.

So I guess we must guess who really knows best,
The head is intelligent but the heart is so smart;
So if intelligence beats smartness, there is another part,
That is why we walk around and write with both arms.

So I now think my head links straight to me heart,
For to combine the two, leads to winning the start;
The heads on the body, which is the whole part,
For each part works but is lead by the head.


So I'm Sure.