The Bightest Mind

Good Morning, good Morning and welcome to my day,
It is nice to get a blessing in the most heavenly way;
Flowing right into my heart are the happiest treasures,
Of the brightest of minds flowing down like a river.

The sun shines brightest and is the most brilliant of things,
To think of the beauty of all the brilliant mind most pleases;
Thank you to God who shone and reflects of His heart,
Into the heads of the people who are clever and smart.

Beauty is brilliant in the mind of the brightest,
Treasures are majestic in the brilliant illumination;
For the thoughts of creation are a glorious inspiration,
As truly the brightest mind desires and perfects tranquillity.

The brightest mind bedazzles, brighter than the sun,
With all the heavenly joy of things up there going on;
God only knows what the future has install,
As the earth goes around like a big spinning ball.

The brightest mind is intelligent beyond all on earth,
As the reflection of eternity is shining out of the sun;
Therefore look to the distance far beyond the past,
For there is untold wealth in the worth of tomorrow.


Time unending.