Me And My Love

Is it better to love yourself or God,

Isn't it easier not harder and a bit odd;

To know the difference and decide on one way,

Can't we combine the two to have the greatest day.


Why not love things and have all the money in the world?

Does that fulfil you or help you save your soul?

Wouldn't it be bnetter to choose life for only what you need?

So that all you do and think is only what you do and read.


The best thing could possibly be going to heaven above,

So here on earth if we have it all is hell really love;

Then the beauty and the bright are life and love to live,

Or maybe you can find it withing your heart a little just to give.


As the magic and the tragic are sad and glad like love,

As music to my ears when the bells of the steeple ring above;

When God calls us home when life and death are nearly one,

Then the meaning of it all is just how we lived and that the sun shone.


For a million kind of memories, plague on my money mind;

That I might find my family and finally peace and being kind;

As the mountains rise to heaven to reach the sky above,

I have to climb each one to talk to God whose love.


Then the Olympics and they're history are racers for each race,

As for each event, the athlete is competing different faces;

So the greatest get the victory of the bronze, silver and gold,

When love ie perfect paradise and God is all and all.



The Fiery Passion