For The Love of God

With the fear of death or life,

Not knowing what you're getting into strife;

Which way do you go at the fork in the road,

You had better decide right and not leave the left a load.


Picking right from wrong can be costly and not take long,

When you have to pay the price and it's nice not to be wrong;

For the love of God I ask you, have you considered the way;

And don't have an each way bet on the best you can do each day.


For the love of God I know the better way in which to go,

To live beyond the limit and pass and mean all in flow;

For the love of God is to love the ultimate in life,

And in death the best of everything is the answer right?


For the love of God I know I want to go my own way,

And stuff I live to know and learn to ask and hear and say;

But no matter how hard it get's, turn to him for truth,

Because the perfect can't be beaten and the right is all living proof.


For the love of God I sometimes wonder why things don't go my way,

But when you learn from the Lord you're God things work out each day;

I know I sinned and wanted selfish greed and pride of heart,

While everyone else was clever and loved God, which was being smart.


For the love of God I hope that this works out alright,

For I'm writing it in puzzle along the path of the night;

For the love of God I hope God's listening and will watch and bless,

For without the love of God I get into one big hell of a mess.



Better than the best.