Every Always

Always every always for every time the ever always was,

When every bodies always spending time on everything there is;

And a dry and baron country is burnt for every bodies business,

And every ever always is always every, every bodies little bit.


Every night and every day for always every time as every always,

Where every way that was is always every way that always will be,

And every always every which way it can, each time it’s every always,

Is set upon a common ground each time each every always sounds.


And every time is always a time each every always, always was,

And each time that every always was, was each time it always was;

And every each which way it can, watch time and each perfect plan,

Was every always each time that every always was since time began.


For we all do all things always the way things were always done,

And every time we do things they were always there at God’s demand;

For God did have a reason for each everything that time was grand.,

And that was to a season fir everything for every time, which every always can.


Since every always, always was each every always, always was and can,

For when the plan fits the description of what each every always, always I can;

The demand for the plan is realized and each every always was the planet,

As the planet is sparsely populated with plenty of people and their plants.


So now every, every always was always being and always was each plan,

And the plan fits the picture of how each every always, always can;

And I don’t know how I can end this now when every always, always can,

But I know the beautiful picture of God’s perfect plan on earth for man since it began.




Don’t miss a beat