Human Beings

Human beings are the highest intelligence of any form of life,

With plenty of time for money and things to do with wife;

So now social interaction should be the psychology of the Church,

As we seek and look for answers of where the truth is in the search.


Well at God our father's pleasure we serve the humanity of men,

To read and write the treasure at the point of every pen;

And the kindness of human beings is the value to be found,

As we never want to lose one to lie beneath the ground.


So Lord of every nation is the circle of time going around,

And the people prove their patients to be human beings in at sound;

For the goodness of the grace to eat is for rich food to grow from underground,

That for eating we need heaven to pray before gaining a pound.


Now the language is no barrier for human beings to perfect,

But must learn to love each other and the beauty to reflect;

For the knowledge of the holy is law unto themselves,

That the books of God their reading are leading to the shelves.


So are you a special person being called a human being,

Or are you agreeing to a season with a reason for the seeing;

The ability to talk is the management of communication,

That is priveledged to human beings in organized conversation.


So if we are that smart and clever enough to know where human beings,

What is all the fuss and arguments about our sins disagreeing;

For when and if, in the priority of life, it is to be a human being,

Then you like I must consciously be simply contemplating teeing.



At one with God.