
State and federal parliament are designed to pass law,

On a day to day basis to uphold and change to make sure;

Now we really need a leader who can manage on their own,

Not tied down all day on a computer or handling complaints on the phone.


So now we hope both parties are present because it's not a party at all,

For so many things to think about and decide seriously the call,

For a while everyone is happy, but the work really needs to get done,

Instead of sleeping on the job and meaning making money for one.


Well it's not a joking matter all this bickering and disputes,

That we're all dressed up to kill in our beautiful new suits;

For both sides have got an argument for the right way to the end

And they yell and scream and shout and call each other a friend.


Now it's a scam and a shamuzzle to always lead this way,

And at the end of the big puzzle it's the same each and every day.

So I tell you that the leadership has to be organized to get anywhere at all,

For it's such a big circus in each corner of the world on the ball.


Well parliament lets have it, have I got the I's for the idea,

Or do all you're eyes need glasses to distinguish every beer;

The winner wants a wine and she's the wife of someone else,

If that's the spirit right there matey then you'd better sit back on the shelf.


Now mister speaker do you hear me or are you talking to someone else,

Do I really need interjection or do you want to join me as myself,

I hope it's all well written and the minutes properly taken,

For I'm going to run it my way and to me, the mint is making.



Money for the Bill.