
Cleanliness is next to godliness,
Or at least that's what they say;
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,
If you case through sin and learn to pray.
A shower every morning washes away those fears,
Of dirty grubby childhood plights that nearly always lead you to tears.

Some people wash their hands from down until its dark,
Other people have a bath and forget their final remark;
Though love and kindness come to those who do choose to stay clean,
And this is measured in the light and adds to what they mean.

There something else to be said about the smell of soup,
It gives a chance to learn of smell and time to hope and cope;
Well cleanliness fills the air with all that nice bouquet,
And fragrance that will help you get through each and every day.

So cleanliness is quite a good thing,
As freshness and renewal it does bring;
There must be nothing else to address like this,
For purity is something no one should miss.