
Lots of good to keep an even keel,
It's good to think and feel so real;
It's nice to have a civil head,
To keep civility from the evil we dread.

It's not too bad to want to win,
The problem is in when we go and sin;
To be normal is really the best way to be,
That God would grant a civil me.

It's not whether or not we keep the peace,
But stopping the rebels who wish us to cease;
We must not stop to keep things sane,
But use our minds and heads and brain.

It's a great thing to want what's right,
To see things kept to what we write;
The reason for this are rules and law,
To ensure civility is kept alone the floor.

We must not hesitate at stopping crime,
For that's the reason of this civility rhyme;
There is not hope without our troops,
The ones who see the safety of our groups.

Civility at last I must say is this,
It is what is what organised and doing good biz;
It's seeing things are stable and stay in line,
And it's keeping your head and leave me with mine.

