Love And Salvation

Suffering for self is a love that leads to salvation,
For the pain and the sin and all the longing to win;
That you can only endure with a friend by your side,
One who will love you and care for you and marry as bride.

For the lord is a good god who wants best for you,
No matter how hard you try in all that you do;
For his strength is stronger than me and all the rest,
Go put your faith in him and he'll make you the best.

There's sense to be had in having a hope that will last,
That will not beat you or let you fall into the past;
But hold you on high with life in the present,
Where the highest and holiest is heavenly and purest.

And the love that you find in the salvation of God,
Is the most beautiful thing in life you can do;
When the treasure is in your heart not account,
And all the things that you let beat you do not amount.

For the love of the lord is life finding a lost friend,
A sinner whose soul is well on the way to amend;
For he will see truly in you the salvation of God,
And he is your neighbour in the true sense of the word.

So love everything that God gave you on earth,
But remember that salvation is needed every day from your birth;
And the secret in living is not lying but giving,
And relying on him for salvation and in his trust you're receiving.


The truth reliving