Equivalent Values

Well with all things considered equal we now have equivalent values,
So that we can understand the difference and see the change of worth;
For when all things have equivalent values, you can consider everything of equal worth,
Except when things go wrong and brake then there is no sense in it at all.

It is fair and reasonable and yet hard to say that all things have equivalent values,
But the role of thumb is simple that you must add up more than you submit:
For when multiplication is division there is equivalent values that balance,
And with equivalent values when you think you are ahead you are actually behind.

So I guess there is some kind of inequality with everyone getting what they want,
And I am left to discuss it in written dialogue to show you what I have got;
For the truth of the natter is simple, that it really all comes down to one,
And one life is what we all have got so that what we get God has won.

Equivalent values are really a principle of all things equal for each,
For it is when we start to lean and understand that we are all able to teach;
And sometimes life is not that simple and we have to learn to know and grow,
But when we study something that appears to sinful that we have to flow.

For as we write and tell each other the error of our ways,
That we dine the truth in equivalent values and equalize things okay;
So really there is no point in life or at least this is how it now seems,
But when you understand equivalent values God gives you heavenly dreams.

For the rational understand of what thing really are to what everything really is,
Is a comprehensive understanding of equivalent values where the cheese is full of cream;
And God knows what is really best and I think that now I've earned my rest.
Also that with each and every equivalent value, I am resides to test rest.


Confess Equality