Eternity Infinity

The worlds full of infinite thoughts which dwell on the eternal mind,
Where eternity meets infinity and joins to combine the what might;
And answers are given and found everywhere from deep within each heart,
As people are kind clear and the stupidity is beautifully smart.

For eternity goes on forever within everyone's dreaming head,
And infinity is a thing and place for everything each of us being lead;
No matter how hard I try and look I can never see exactly where,
For it this picture of eternity that is extremely hard and infinitely fair,

Now I don't completely understand which each and every way to look,
That is why It is best found downright deep inside this book,
For a poem has a way of telling words and explaining how it is,
And is the understanding of eternity that the knowledge of infinity is his.

For God is everywhere and everywhere is where infinity meets eternity,
For it just goes on and on forever never ending really anywhere,
Like the life that is for living is in the eternal love of God,
And it is this place I called infinity where you can go to meet the odd.

Just as it is so within the world, the earth is a very big place,
But it is this place we call infinity that eternity grants it's grace,
For how perfectly lovely it really is for the permanent depiction,
Of everything being where is should be for all to understand and see.

Like how it can all turn out to be possible for it to e real to me,
And why it is the way it is and everything just simply free.
For nothing is free to everyone and everything costs something to someone,
But in the eternity it's cheap to know but infinity pays her for all.


The right line,