
Rigidity and structure of things must be right,

But people are human and right should be delight;

Righteousness is the state of the law of the mind,

With everything perfect and wholly intellectually kind.


It's a bit of a tall order to demand such a high standard,

To have things of truth in the light of the plan granted;

They're manifested in ways of a righteousness requirement,

And represented as riches of heavens kingdom refinement.


Is righteousness a goal or aim to desire?

Or a peace and a freedom to attain and acquire?

Life is a gift of the intelligent right,

To be left in our hearts with an eternal light.


Righteousness, how beautiful, so brilliant to have,

That if integrity and democracy could perfectly save;

Not magic or tragic but totally unique to the cause,

Of the leading of diligence to the whole earths applause.


And righteousness is a harmony and being on time,

For the creation of space and resources that prime;

It is fit to conclude that righteousness seeks,

Relationship with God and to rid unwanted cheeks.


It is hard and not easy to have hold and achieve,

That by faith we believe and through grace we receive;

It is a monumental management effort to retain,

Now cast off your worries and within sin refrain.



Self Fulfillment.