A Tree 2

Life seems to revolve around this wonderful thing,
With its gifts of branches and leave it does bring;
It breathe out the air we people all need,
And I feel like I grow in which these I read.
Trees sway in the breeze and drop all their leaves,
For those with a rake who realize their majesty receives;
T takes time to unfold through the wonderful seasons,
With autumn and spring proving to show natures reasons.
Some need to be pruned and other cut down for wood,
To build all our houses and then warm us so good;
It stretches out it's limb as it tries to tough the sky,
As with magic it takes in minerals and water because why.
It's roots reach down to the ground so deep,
And they spread and they stretch in the earth that will seep,
I love it's shade to sit under with a cool drink,
And admire all their beauty when I have time to think.