Statues And Statues

Law and abiding citizens are what we require,
Statues for the famous and statutes they acquired;
Maintaining and referring to things that make right,
To live and love this land in life we all desire.

The earth turns and moves and statues and statutes are in place,
For the constitution to work we need men that hold their grace;
To uphold the right and keep the law true for the land,
Means that we maintain the standard of dignity to be grand.

All who come and go, try to leave their mark,
That they may leave behind a legacy to those they did impart;
If you are lucky and have worked your way to the top,
Then God may give you a statue to help us remember what you've done.

The government works hard to enforce and keep the laws,
Changing rules and regulations to keep up to date and sure.
The statutes are the law this government hands out,
To maintain the right of authority over people doing wrong.

Well if you now have earned your right,
And earned a statue to be remembered by,
As you were a governor or prime minister or king,
That taught the right and learnt how to do the thing.

So where this poem and story ends is another place to live,
To go onto into glory and show a new generation how to give;
For it's what you have got in life that lets you tell and teach,
That the God who lives in heaven through His minister will preach.

Signed ,

To God be The Glory.