The Written Idea

The Written Idea

I have already written the idea, but there is something more to say.
It all depends on how I wrote and the write of the written way;
You see the right of the written idea is, to tell people what you mean,
And that means that you meant it and that something else meant to me.

The written idea is one of literacy, where literature can be read,
That by the style and mean of your writing, the written idea is lead;
It means expressing what you are saying, by what you're thinking in your head,
And that is an understanding of what you have done and want to do and read.

The written idea is for reading and understanding what I try to mean.
Seeing that I am expressing myself clearly and keeping things clean;
For it's nice to earn something, as you all well know yourself,
If you are a reader like me, the written idea is sitting on the shelf.

The written idea is now half written and well I might as well go all the way,
As I have nothing much better to do than to read and write all day;
The weather is kind of grey and it seems that black and white is OK,
But the whether I mind or you mind that, is something left to say.

The written idea is something you must have faith in, at the end of the day,
When it is all written down to read and you wonder where is the way;
It goes wherever it wants and to whoever will want to sit down and read,
Now the future is the promise that the written idea has time to lead.

I have nearly gotten to the bottom of what the written to be read,
And it is all right for you to read and the written idea to be;
As when you write something about the written idea to read,
It is best left for someone else to read and write the written idea and lead.


Another Reader.