If It Comes From The Heart

If it comes from the heart it is real and true,

A passionate belief that love is deep and ocean blue;

And the head is in the heavens when the sky is blue to,

A feeling is perfection just to kiss and hold hands with you.


If it comes from the heart it is the power of paradise,

That my life is given freely in a worthy case of sacrifice;

For the beauty is receiving the reciprocal gazing look,

And you're soul is filled with meaning in the contents of a book.


If it comes from the heart it's right even when it's wrong,

For the longing and the loving is forgiveness to let live long;

So the magic is the money which hurts and pulls and becks,

To drag you under, running to beat and win treasure wrecks.


If it comes from the heart it's knowledge of pleasing peace,

Of unbeaten and unending learning of joy in good release;

And the cross is teaching courage to forever let it live on,

When the one on earth is doing and going back to birth.


If it comes from the heart it's clever, dumb and smart,

For on one hand you are winning and the other losing in part;

And when you face the nation fairly and look it in the eye,

The buildings rise to meet you, and the land and seeing see I.


If it comes from the heart it's brilliant to hold in the mind,

That the best is yet to be in the interest of being kind;

For in the depths he reached down from his kingdoms stars,

As it is God Almighty who has supplied the golden scars.



Mine to Give