Everything is A Beat and A Breath

Everything is really a beat and a breath I think and I guess,

It's a hell of a challenge to admit it but be my guest to test;

To think through these ideas for even someone to possibly know,

If you're a reader you'll become a leader if you touch and you learn to grow.


Everything is a beat and a breath just like The Bible to my heart,

Which is intelligent and clever and being right all the the time smart;

And when you win and you lose you win the one that loses,

Because the is a big thing and we take it in turn for who chooses.


Everything is a beat of my heart and a breath which is really winning,

And the world is turning around and the earth is really spinning;

So I look up above and I pray to my God who listens and looks from heaven,

How the answer comes back and down from the sky in twenty eleven and seven.


Everything is a beat and a breath and it's really poetry too hard to beat,

But don't be beaten or let be beaten but use you're head in the heat;

For the sun beats the rock of the people on earth keep turning,

So unless you can learn to get off the ground you might go under not learning.


Everything is a beat of my heart and a breath from my lungs to live,

And my stomach is for food and that's how you lose the business you give;

But the money comes around and goes where it like for whatever reason,

And the change and the year is a pleasant reward of what's in season.


Everything is a beat and a breath and I think I win writing this line,

But the memory is there to remember and recall God's really first design;

So I'll be in prayer for all the air and the circulation of the word within the blood,

So that I don't drown in the water or come down and die in the flood.



The Hemoglobin Corpuscles