Pride and Greed

It's a very nice thing to have time and money,

And pride and greed are two things not one funny;

Like faith and sin are nice to know and not know,

Because you can't have one or both or each of the other.


Like sex and money are a sin without marriage,

And the weddings a long time ago and so was the carriage;

And things like this cause cancer and aids and disease,

So to me pride and greed are schizophrenia with ease.


The hard part is the work and the word that comes easy,

Because people need time and money no matter what age it is;

And when you can read a book or a hundred or a thousand,

Pride and greed run rampant and terror and horror happen.


The year means a lot and the turn of the page and earth,

And the pen is easy to write with but not eating the dirt;

So grow food and eat it or write to pay at the shop,

So people have money and time for things till they stop.


The product and brand are a manufacturers dream and nightmare,

With so much competition you can't be proud and so fussy;

If everyone is a porper and the rich come unstuck to me?

And it's not a good thing to lose life whether you're he or she.


Now the women should want the words and men meaning the money,

But both are nice to have and exchange and cost time when sunny;

And the rain has a price and the cost is a royal thing,

Which is a privilege to know and distinguish the right ring.



Another Job.