Books Written & New Releases

A Note For Corrections- They take time to fine tune and require a bit of mental motivation which is hard for me, please be patient and encouraging as I try to fine tune the work to the state of perfection.The first eight poetry books have been corrected, as well as five of the earlier written and later typed.The work is at about 99.9% when typed and it just takes me to proof read and correct the .01%.The typing of this work which is done outside, it is a very high standard and so I only have to skim over to final check, but this does take time and bare with me on this.Thanks Darel.

Thanks:- Cheif Editor, Darel.



Books Of Poetry 1-90

A Book Of Poetry -The Coming of Parsifal/ Paperback Edition and On Website

Book 2 of Poetry - The Return of Parsifal/ Paperback Edition and On Website

Book 3 of Poetry - Parsifal Rides Again/ Paperback Edition and On website.

Book 4 of Poetry - Parsifal on Tour/ Ready For Printing and On Website

Book 5 of poetry - Parsifal Doing and Going, 60 Poems, On Website, Corrected and ready for reading.

Book 6 of Poetry - Parsifals Poetic Logic. 60 Poems, All corrected and available on website.

Book 7 of Poetry- Parsifals Seventh Heaven. 60 poems available to be read. Corrections Finished.

Book 8 of Poetry. Parsifal Self Actualizes. The Complete Individual, 60 poems on website and available for reading.

Book 9 of Poetry- Parsifal The Poetic Person. Now Available. 60 poems written and typed and is on the website to be read. Corections and checking still to be done.

Book 10 of Poetry- Parsifals Advances Poetically, Now written and ready for reading on the website. Corrections to be double checked, It use to be book 7.

Book 11 of Poetry- Parsifals Eleventh Heaven- Now On The Website. 60 Poem Titles. All Typed and on the website to be read. Checking will take time and will be started when other books are done first.

Book 12 of Poetry- Parsifal in Paradise.:- 60 Poem all written and typed, now on the website and checked to be read by you.

Book 13 of Poetry- Parsifal Progresses Nicely:-. 65 Pages/Poems-all written/typed and on the website, that you can read now.

The Next 8 Books

Books 14,15,16, 17,18,19, 20 & 21 readable now. Books 14- 21 were all written from between 1985 and 2010. Darel.

Book 14 Of Poetry :- Parsifal Provides The Poetry.66 poems written and typed on the website now for reading. Corrections all done.

Book 15 Of Poetry :- Parsifal Cruises Along:-60 Poems all checked and on the website. Darel.

Book 16 Of Poetry :- Parsifal Rhymes Forever:-Now on The Website with 68 Poems written and is able to be read. Corrections all checked and done. Darel.

Book 17 Of Poetry :- Parsifal's Perfect Poetry:-65 poems, Complete and checked and on the website for you to read now, please enjoy. Darel.

Book 18 Of Poetry :- Parsifal's Faith In God:-70 Pages. Typed and on the site to be read now. Corrections all done.

Book 19 Of Poetry :- Parsifal's Human Loves:-60 poems / pages. Now on the wesbsite to be read. Checking to be completed, checked chapter 1. Please enjoy. Darel.

Book 20 Of Poetry :- Parsifal's Few Things:-54-Pages / Poems ready to read now, all are on.Checking still to be done.

Book 21 Of Poetry :- Parsifal's People Poems:-64 Pages. This book is now typed and on the website for you to read now Checking still to be done.

Book 22 Of Poetry :-Parsifal's Praise and Joy Poems, 62 poems written for you to read.Now Complete.

Book 23 Of Poetry :-Parsifal:- Peace-Poems 62 poems written for you to read. Now Complete.

Book 24 Of Poetry :-Parsifal's Holy Love Poetry Now on and 60 poems completed.

Book 25 Of Poetry :-Parsifal Worship PoemsNow On and complete, 64 poems for your delection. 

Book 26 Parsifal's Bright Right Poems :-Another new poem book completed. 62 titles to read now and currently all written under poem ideas 1, third book.

Book 27 Parsifal's Sunny days Poems :-Now finished working on this one to. 60 titles to read now, under poem ideas 2.

Book 28 Of Poetry:-Parsifal's Poetic Verse :-Now On And Complete 6 Chapters 60 Poems Titles All Written

Book 29 Of Poetry:- Parsifal's Idea Factory :- 6 chapters and60 poems. Now on, finished and complete.

Book 30Parsifal Desires The Poetry :- 6 chapters and60 poems now on for you to look at and read as complete.

Book 31 Parsifal Considers Himself :-6 chapters and60 titles of poems now on for you to look at and read. 

Book 32 Parsifal Tries Fine Tuning :-6 chapters and60 titles and poems now on for you to look at and read.Now complete.

Book 33 Parsifal Revoles and Turns :- 6 chapters and60 titles of poems now on for you to look at and read. Now complete.2021

Book 34 Parsifal Changes and Heals :-6 chapters and60 titles with poems now on for you to look at and read. It is finished being written.2021.

Book 35 Parsifal Has A Go At It :-6 chapters and60 titles and poems now on for you to look at and read. 2022

Book 36 Parsifal On Life Style:- 6 chapters and60 titles and poems now on for you to look at and read.2022

Book 37 Parsifal Creates Himself:-6 chapters and60 titles of poems now on for you to look at and read.2022

Book 38 Parsifal Runs Around Words:-6 chapters and60 titles and poems now on for you to look at and read.2022

Book 39 Parsifal Walking Talking :-6 chapters and60 titles and poems now on for you to look at and see and read.2022

Book 40 Parsifal Self Centres:-6 chapters and60 titles of poems now on for you to look at and read. Finished2023

Book 41 Parsifal Over The Moon :- Now on with 6 Chapters and 60 titles, poems all written. Finished August 2023

Book 42 Parsifal A Knights Life:- Now on with 6 Chapters and 60 titles, poems all written. Finished February. 2024

Book 43 Parsifal and Romance:- Now on with 6 Chapters and 60 titles, poems all written. July 2024

Book 44 Parsifal Wins The Day:- Now on with 6 Chapters and 60 titles, poems still to be written.A little way down the road yet. 2024

Book 45 Parsifal Quietly Achieves:- Now on with 6 Chapters and 60 titles, poems still to be written.A little way down the road yet. 2024

Book 46 Parsifal Earns The Right:- Now on with 6 Chapters and 60 titles, poems still to be written.A little way down the road yet. 2024

Book 47 Parsifal On Top Of Things:- Now on with 6 Chapters and 60 titles, poems still to be written.A little way down the road yet. 2025

Book 48 Parsifal Around The World:- Now on with 6 Chapters and 60 titles, poems still to be written.A little way down the road yet. 2025

Book 49 Parsifal Works With Words:- Now on with 6 Chapters and 60 titles, poems still to be written.A little way down the road yet. 2025

Book 50 Parsifal Reigns Surpreme:- Now on with 6 Chapters and 60 titles, poems still to be written.A little way down the road yet. 2025

Book 51 Parsifal Whethers The Weather :- Still on the drawing board.

Book 52 Parsifal:- Healthy and Well :-Still on the drawing board.

Book 53 Parsifal:- Wealthy And Wise :-Still on the drawing board.

Book 54 Parsifal Backward Treads :-Still on the drawing board.

Book 55 Parsifal Moves Forward :-Still on the drawing board.

Book 56 Parsifal On Ancient Paths :- Still on the drawing board.

Book 57 Parsifal:- Interacts Neatly

Book 58 Parsifal:- Wants and Needs

Book 59 Parsifal:- Working Willingly

Book 60 Parsifal:- Ascertains Rightly

Book 61 Parsifal:- Pertaining Correctly

Book 62 Parsifal:- Secures Certainty

Book 63 Parsifal:- Treasures Memories

Book 64 Parsifal:- Perfect Purity

Book 65 Parsifal:- Seasons Of Change

Book 66 Parsifal:- Creates Knowledge

Book 67 Parsifal:- Beautiful Reasons

Book 68 Parsifal:- Turning Around

Book 69 Parsifal:- Judges Reality

Chapter 1 Everyday Things

Chapter 2 Common Sense

Book 70 Parsifal:- Hopes For Eternity

Book 71 Parsifal:- Rules The Roost

Book 72 Parsifal:- Special Spirit

Book 73 Parsifal:- Sweet Stories

Book 74 Parsifal:- Social Studies

Book 75 Parsifal:- Musical Words

Book 76 Parsifal:- Singing Notes

Book 77 Parsifal's:- Loving Heart

Book 78 Parsifal's:- Passionate Plea

Book 79 Parsifal:- Forever Favouring

Book 80 Parsifal:- Learns Contentment


Book 81 Parsifal:- Still Focuses On God


The spiritual blessing of happiness.


Book 82 Parsifal:- Working And Wanting


Why we need to keep our minds occupied, to stay out of trouble.


Book 83 Parsifal:- Gives God The Glory


The peace of eternal paradise.


Book 84 Parsifal:- Waiting And Thinking


Why it takes time to do things and there is a price and a cost for everything.


Book 85 Parsifal:- Knowing and Showing


Reveals the truth of God's eternal kingdom.


Book 86 Parsifal:- Asks The Questions


He asks why life is worth its value.


Book 87 Parsifal:- Love, Marriage, Family 


Values and respect in building relationships.


Book 88 Parsifal:- Reigns As King


To serve and follow his master, Yeshua Is God.


Book 89 Parsifal:- Kingdoms Meaning


Truth and mysteries of God's love.


Book 90 :- Draws A Conclusion

General Classifications

Now On- - -King Royal Enterprises

*New Second Website*---*KING ROYAL ENTERPRISES*

Follow progress

"The Work Centre"*Creative Discussion and Dialouge*In


Intellectual Literature Book Subjects Now On

Management Meant Something- People Mean Business.Checking and corrections to come. Details of how to run a shop or small business from my experience in the 70's 80's and 90's. Please enjoy and feel free to use it as a reference for practical application and general use in business. Available For Reading Now.

Parsifal Revolutionizes Reality. The World Will Work.On The Website Now and can be read but needs final checking and corrections.

Parsifal Points Politically. Equalizing Economics.125 pages written. All pages are now typed and put on to the website and able to be read in total now. Proof reading and fiinal checking to be done. The first chapter and the first four pages of the second chapter are checked and right enough for me.

Parsifal's Educational Ideas:-An Approach For- Teaching and Reaching, Leading and Reading. Now 83 pages, Written, Total and Complete on the website and are ready for reading. Enjoy the first taste of this new book and corrections will follow soon, to fine tune typing and writing errors.

Parsifal on "The Right Of Leadership":-Passionate Legalities on Loving, Guiding and Showing a Personal Style of Leadership you can adopt to suit yourself and develope as a way of creating your own individual style of leading and some techniques for managing. 124 Ideas on Paper and all pages are now all written, Typed and on the website now.

Organisational Ideas100 ideas now written and the book is complete and has been checked to the best of my ability on King Royal Enterprises.

Parsifal's Life Balances:-Balancing The World On Earth /The Word Is A Paradox, The Work is A Paradigm Shift.

16 Chapters and 150 pages ready to read, some checking to be done of early pages. Have a look October 2020 now on.

The Interabilities.60 pages listed as ideas on the related toolbar. 50 pages written and another 10 ideas to write. Maybe another 40 by time of Posting after the rest are written. Will be ready sometime in the near future.

Parsifal's :- Managemental Ideas120 pages written but each page must be organised into chapters and fully typed and corrected.2021-2022

Parsifal:- Great and Grand:-Thoughts For,A Kingdom Full Of Inspiration. 115 page titles listed and sorted into 12 chapters and maybe a few more to get the 120 pages to come. 2023-2024.

Strategic Functioning. 100 idea topics in chapters under News (Additions and Changes happening) for you to have a look at now. Yet to be written. King Royal News

Environmental Ideas :-For Responsible Living, 100 ideas listed, yet to be written. Under News (Additions and Changes happening) for you to have a look at now. King Royal News

The New Third Website has now been built.

**Have a Look / Follow Progress Now On **$2200 paid

*** ''KING OF PARADISE'' ***

***The Learning Centre***---**Pyschological Literature**

A new concept with a Pyschological Approach To Moralistic and

Ethical Literature.----''For People Who Struggle To Understand''

Psychological Literature Book Subjects

Parsifal Parrallells Psychology112 pages from 84 titles for reading now. All written now from between 1985-1998.

Parsifal's Behavioural Arts:- 60 pages written, now on

Parsifal's :- Life Philosophically. 100 pages written in 10 chapters now on.

Parsifal's:- Common Sense Ideas100 ideas to be written, some written.

Parsifal on Ethics and Issues:-100 ideas A new concept by 2020.

Parsifal's Social Desires 100 ideas, Listed to be written.

Parsifal's Sociological Thoughts 100 Ideas, Listed to be written.

Science Of The Mind100 Ideas, Listed to be written.

Psychological Thinking100 ideas to be written.

Parsifal Wealth & Poverty:-God Help The Poor 100 Ideas listed to be written.

Parsifal Works on Stewardship:-The Environmental Saviour 100 Ideas Listed to be written.

Further in The Distance - 35 possible new books

Parsifal's :- Equalizing Economics The Rationalization Of Money

Parsifal Philanthrophises:-The Gift of Giving

Parsifal Evaluates Entrepreneurship:-A Comentry on Finances

Parsifal Entertains Enlightenment:-A Reflection On Truth

Parsifal Owns A Style:-The Personality With Flair

Parsifal's Discovers The Truth of History-How Old is The Earth?

Parsifal On Love, Marriage And Family- Values and Respect In Building Relationships

Parsifal Gives God The Gospel- An Analylitical Approach To The Parralell Kingdom

Parsifal Faces God- Born Again To Meet My Maker - The Reality of Change

Parsifal Reigns As King- To Serve and Love His Master - Yeshua Is God

Parsifal Gives God The Glory- The Peace of Eternal Paradise

Parsifal Judges Heaven and Hell- The Difficulty Of Experience and Knowledge

Parsifal Remains The Same- The Law of Change and Redirection

Parsifal Still Focuses On God- The Spiritual Blessing of Happiness

Parsifal Asks The Questions- He Answers,Why is Life worth It's Value?

Parsifal Conquers Himself- The Ability To Beat The System

Parsifal Heals Disease-The Doctor Of Sickness And Health

Parsifal Wins The War- The Arguement and Debate For Diplomatic Peace

Parsifal Must Have Faith In God- The Beauty Of Trusting The Lord

Parsifal Gracefully Accepts God's Gifts- The Giving and Getting Of Grace

Parsifal Speaks Mercy To Troubled hearts- The Longing and Understanding To be Understood

Parsifal Tells Of The Goodness and Greatness Of God. - The Omnipident Serving Suffering Saviour

Parsifal In Prayer- A Highly Intelligent God

Parsifal Reflects On Meaningful Memories- Why I Don't Remember Everything At Once, But Let memories dwell On My Mind.

Parsifal's Rationalization-Why Doing Things Slowly, Logically and Methodically makes You A Stable Person.

Parsifal's Interests In Life-And The World - Things To Do, Places To Go and People To Read

Parsifal On Waiting And Thinking- Why It Takes Time To Do Things And There Is A Price And A Cost For Everything.

Parsifal On Working And Wanting- Why We Need To Keep Our Minds Occupied To Stay Out Of Harms Way.

Parsifal On Depression And Schizophrenia- Why Positive Thoughts And Negative Thoughts Control And Influence The Mind Rightly or Wrongly.

Parsifal Knowing And Showing-Parsifal reveals the truth of God's Eternal Kingdom.

Parsifal Faces God, Death is not the end of everything, Judging The Truth

Parsifal The Grand Final- The Never Ending Story - My Biography or Autobiography.

60 books in all, which will mean nearly 6 full rows on the toolbar including the last one which I may get to 120 books at this rate, an autobioghaphy or biography.

A FINAL NOTE FOR EDITING WORK ON MY BOOKSTyping and Writng Costs Time and Money You Know. So Any Contributions To The Cause Would Speed Up The Process And Would Be Gratefully Accepted and Used. Thanks Darel. Your Humble Pensioner Who Would Dearly Like To Support Himself, Responsibly, Accountably and Individually Financial. Thanks Darel.

BOOKS FOR SALEMy Paper Back books The Coming of Parsifal, The Return of Parsifal, Parsifal Rides Again. Are available for sale Directly from me $20 if I post one to you. 2 for $35 and 3 for $45. Allow for international Postage and time restraints. Extra $10. Click Contact Darel at the bottom of the home page.